Thursday, December 11, 2003

it's been a week, time to post.

so thus begins justin's 7th finals session. jesus that makes me feel like i've been here a long time. i'll be blunt, readers -- finals are the time of year where everybody kicks their fucked-up-ness up just a notch or two. it never fails, every year you can just watch people going insane on campus. most people are just completely stressed out, and if you ever happen to have a relatively light finals period (it does happen now and then) go over to the 6th floor of evans and getcha a window seat and just kick back and enjoy the fuckin insanity.

i think now any time i hear the word "final" used in an academic sense i sorta always think back to the crazyass times me and dustin had when finals came around. double all-nighters and such, gets to the point where one of us would ask the other the time and then they have to sorta embarrassingly mumble... "uh... am or pm, dude?" it gets to be a weird feeling when you're like not seeing any daylight anymore.

that's kinda my MO for finals. i study best at night and sleep best during the day, so when i don't have any classes i've sorta come to just conform to when you do have a final, base your schedule on that. a lot of people don't seem to understand that. they see a 7:30am final as being horrible cuz they wake up early, but why didn't they do what i did? i slept the day before, and then studied all night and just went straight to the test in the morning like it was just a normal night class, heh. of course alayna never really likes when i "go nocturnal" but eh, it's only temporary and it's actually kinda fun to switch your schedule up a bit.

this time around i've got 2 finals on tuesday, 2 on wednesday. good in that they're at the end of the session, but bad in that they're all clustered together with two hardcore CS classes back to back. till then i've got some assignments/projects to sorta complete so between that and studying for the finals i'll be pretty goddamn busy.

at first i thought this semester was heading straight for the shitter but it's turned out pretty good. i have this longshot at a 4.0 this semester, although it prolly won't fall like that at all. i could even get a C or something, but prolly not worse than a 3.25 for the semester which would just sorta leave my GPA where it already is. it doesn't really matter that much anymore anyway since i've got my job lined up. they don't really seem to give a rat's ass whether i have a 3.30 or a 3.38, it still says 3.3 on my resume and then it's forgotten.

it's a goofy finals session this year though. between the biblical-like weather and having to build a new computer relatively quickly it's just felt kinda weird. what the fuck's with the weather anyway? i hate this bullshit where you gotta change clothes 3 times a day to be dressed properly. typical CS conditions in like october and maybe a bit of november are cold in the morning, hot in the afternoon and freezing when the sun goes down. but this year we're still wearing short sleeves and shorts off & on in december. that alone just makes me wanna get to colorado faster where it's just plain cold.

my old HP box was just starting to get too fucked to really handle anything anymore (it could run XP on a good day for like an hour straight) so i put together a nice package.

i built a box with an MSI Delta-LSR 400mhz MB, AMD Athlon XP 3000+, 1GB of Kingston DDR 3200 RAM, couple 80GB HD's, 48X burner, GeForce4 card all wrapped in a sleek silver Enermax case with blue LED's and case fans on the side, Samsung 17" flat panel for the display. pretty fuckin beautiful if you ask me. the plan right now is to convert my old box to an all-linux terminal, but i'll take other interesting suggestions, such as dragging it from a car for 10+ miles, dropping it from considerable heights, and setting it on fire. take it from me, don't buy an HP. build your own. :)

let's see, here's a new feature that hopefully won't piss people off... i'll put the latest news with several of my contacts here with a scrambled name so they won't be able to [immediately] tell i'm talking about them.

cRki - came up with some sweet voodoo logic where we only have to make like mid-B's and could even skip a hw to still get A's in our class.

asceJsi - at this point she doesn't even answer my IM's, not sure if there's more to it than that or she's just ignoring me. pretty fuckin sad that she can become friends with somebody and yet when her boyfriend's within 5 miles she drops everybody else like they don't matter. when somebody is pretty shady about returning emails, cell calls and IM's, ya kinda run out of options, huh?

yntKhar - things were going alright with her until she didn't send a pretty important email back and didn't return a cell call. i sent her a nice long pissy lecturing email she didn't really like at all, so we haven't even spoken since that. not sure what to do about it. need to patch things up in person over the break back home.

edCinac - things are prolly completely over. after 3 straight unreturned cell calls spread out over about a month, i resorted to a flame type email, which yielded nothing. i'm gonna come right out and say that chick was sweet but ended up being a complete bitch. congratulations on further proving to me why i never liked sorority chicks to begin with.

nLrio - had some potential there, but mostly fucked due to the fact that she's about to graduate. she made my 438 class fun all semester but i wish things had gone a little differently. don't really dig how she spent most of her time justifying what kind of person she is instead of just doing the right thing and proving it to me. i really enjoyed talking to her and all that during the semester though. just kinda wish she'd done a better job getting her shit wired so we coulda hung out or whatever, but she apologized appropriately every time it happened and she doesn't leave a bad taste in my mouth really. all i can do is hope she remains some kinda penpal and that things go well for her in san antonio.

aaruL - provided some drunken fun saturday night, but unfortunately went a bit too far. think the lesson was learned tho and it prolly won't happen again. sorta proved to be a much cooler chick than i had thought before, just needs to let loose a bit more often. hopefully it doesn't always take 7 vodka shots to do so.

nthaCsira - prolly the only person i know right now (no offense to any readers) that's actually made the transition from my bad to my good side. proven that she's not the person i had painted her to be, and she's fun to talk to when she just drops the badass attitude and talks to you like she cares what you say. even turned out to be quite civil online.

Lnreua - tired of seeing her get fucked by people. going to my big brother mode where i just want everybody to stop hurting my baby sister. i'm here if she needs me.

next couple days will consist of possibly writing a paper, writing some code, hitting the books, tivo'd law & order/PTI/NHL2Night/etc and dvd's the two towers/serial experiments: lain discs 2-4/etc during any breaks. just glad to type this up on a fully functional computer and shit, heh.

get back to ya soon.


Thursday, December 04, 2003

hey loyal readers! today's a list of current goods and bads! hope you enjoy!


mystery science theater 3000
t-shirts with the word "fucked-up" on the back
E.L. Fudge cookies
ex-girlfriends that still bother to email you back
mike & ike's
people that mention something they saw on my blog
mario kart with anybody else
alayna singing along to the scrubs theme
kickass computer components on the way
good hourlong conversations with someone that used to hate you
advice from an unlikely source
pardon the interruption on ESPN
the st. anger album
knowing my soundsystem beats the shit out of my roommate's when necessary
listening to alayna talk about roommate's physical characteristics
hoang's occasional amusing away messages
the look on people's faces just before they catch themselves about to walk in front of a bus


people in general
broken promises
not knowing where to put your hair
computers so fucked up they barely work anymore
writing checks
forgetting how to properly go to bed and just passing out *on* the bed
really long emails from the president of your university
people that sing aloud in computer science labs
having to set up a completely new computer from scratch
the ABC network
people sitting active on IM but aren't actually there
polyphonic rings anywhere in public
guys that always have to label other guys either bro, man or buddy in any given sentence
the idea that any time you walk anywhere on campus you have to be on a cell phone

other than that, only some other daily musings for today. breaking news: peach la creme yogurt is "okay" but not nearly as good as raspberry. if you must buy la creme yogurt, stick with raspberry, but if you're at HEB and you see only one raspberry pack left, call 972.567.9948 and ask if it's okay to get the last pack.

in another piece of news, we had this chick in our emerging technologies class get up in front of the class today where we assumed she was gonna talk about her career and IT related things. instead out of nowhere, she's all "alright my real passion is to go around spreading the word about our lord jesus christ blah blah blah." i felt like i was the only one in the room shouting in my head in a big denis leary voice "" i was actually kind of apalled nobody threw anything at her. she was all up there throwing around all those big fancy names for god and it was just quite a scene, man. props to her for following her passion but next time she needs to let us know before she drops that bomb again, hot damn. i think i almost said amen when she was done.

without further ado, let's whip out some badass kevin smith movie quotes:

Silent Bob: You know, there's a million fine looking women in the world, dude. But they don't all bring you lasagna at work. Most of 'em just cheat on you.

that one's from clerks, and a good one if i might add. i think in some ways it says as soon as you find a girl that can devote everything she can to you, you keep her.

Dante Hicks: But you hate people.
Randal Graves: Yes, but I love gatherings. Isn't it ironic?

another from clerks. if you know anybody about me right now you don't have to ask.

Brodie: You're gonna listen to me? To something I said? Hasn't it become abundantly clear during the tenure of our friendship that I don't know shit?

from mallrats. sometimes don't you ever just feel like saying that when somebody comes to you for advice and you have no idea what to tell them, yet you can't bring yourself to be blunt about it?

Jay: I feel like I'm Han Solo, and you're Chewie, and she's Ben Kenobi, and we're in that fucked-up bar.

from dogma. kinda sums up how i feel half of every day lately.

Serendipity: When are you people going to learn? It's not about who's right or wrong. No denomination's nailed it yet, and they never will because they're all too self-righteous to realize that it doesn't matter what you have faith in, just that you have faith. Your hearts are in the right place, but your brains need to wake up.

pay close attention there, kids.

shit y'all, it's 4am! time to pass out!

till the next episode,