Thursday, December 11, 2003

it's been a week, time to post.

so thus begins justin's 7th finals session. jesus that makes me feel like i've been here a long time. i'll be blunt, readers -- finals are the time of year where everybody kicks their fucked-up-ness up just a notch or two. it never fails, every year you can just watch people going insane on campus. most people are just completely stressed out, and if you ever happen to have a relatively light finals period (it does happen now and then) go over to the 6th floor of evans and getcha a window seat and just kick back and enjoy the fuckin insanity.

i think now any time i hear the word "final" used in an academic sense i sorta always think back to the crazyass times me and dustin had when finals came around. double all-nighters and such, gets to the point where one of us would ask the other the time and then they have to sorta embarrassingly mumble... "uh... am or pm, dude?" it gets to be a weird feeling when you're like not seeing any daylight anymore.

that's kinda my MO for finals. i study best at night and sleep best during the day, so when i don't have any classes i've sorta come to just conform to when you do have a final, base your schedule on that. a lot of people don't seem to understand that. they see a 7:30am final as being horrible cuz they wake up early, but why didn't they do what i did? i slept the day before, and then studied all night and just went straight to the test in the morning like it was just a normal night class, heh. of course alayna never really likes when i "go nocturnal" but eh, it's only temporary and it's actually kinda fun to switch your schedule up a bit.

this time around i've got 2 finals on tuesday, 2 on wednesday. good in that they're at the end of the session, but bad in that they're all clustered together with two hardcore CS classes back to back. till then i've got some assignments/projects to sorta complete so between that and studying for the finals i'll be pretty goddamn busy.

at first i thought this semester was heading straight for the shitter but it's turned out pretty good. i have this longshot at a 4.0 this semester, although it prolly won't fall like that at all. i could even get a C or something, but prolly not worse than a 3.25 for the semester which would just sorta leave my GPA where it already is. it doesn't really matter that much anymore anyway since i've got my job lined up. they don't really seem to give a rat's ass whether i have a 3.30 or a 3.38, it still says 3.3 on my resume and then it's forgotten.

it's a goofy finals session this year though. between the biblical-like weather and having to build a new computer relatively quickly it's just felt kinda weird. what the fuck's with the weather anyway? i hate this bullshit where you gotta change clothes 3 times a day to be dressed properly. typical CS conditions in like october and maybe a bit of november are cold in the morning, hot in the afternoon and freezing when the sun goes down. but this year we're still wearing short sleeves and shorts off & on in december. that alone just makes me wanna get to colorado faster where it's just plain cold.

my old HP box was just starting to get too fucked to really handle anything anymore (it could run XP on a good day for like an hour straight) so i put together a nice package.

i built a box with an MSI Delta-LSR 400mhz MB, AMD Athlon XP 3000+, 1GB of Kingston DDR 3200 RAM, couple 80GB HD's, 48X burner, GeForce4 card all wrapped in a sleek silver Enermax case with blue LED's and case fans on the side, Samsung 17" flat panel for the display. pretty fuckin beautiful if you ask me. the plan right now is to convert my old box to an all-linux terminal, but i'll take other interesting suggestions, such as dragging it from a car for 10+ miles, dropping it from considerable heights, and setting it on fire. take it from me, don't buy an HP. build your own. :)

let's see, here's a new feature that hopefully won't piss people off... i'll put the latest news with several of my contacts here with a scrambled name so they won't be able to [immediately] tell i'm talking about them.

cRki - came up with some sweet voodoo logic where we only have to make like mid-B's and could even skip a hw to still get A's in our class.

asceJsi - at this point she doesn't even answer my IM's, not sure if there's more to it than that or she's just ignoring me. pretty fuckin sad that she can become friends with somebody and yet when her boyfriend's within 5 miles she drops everybody else like they don't matter. when somebody is pretty shady about returning emails, cell calls and IM's, ya kinda run out of options, huh?

yntKhar - things were going alright with her until she didn't send a pretty important email back and didn't return a cell call. i sent her a nice long pissy lecturing email she didn't really like at all, so we haven't even spoken since that. not sure what to do about it. need to patch things up in person over the break back home.

edCinac - things are prolly completely over. after 3 straight unreturned cell calls spread out over about a month, i resorted to a flame type email, which yielded nothing. i'm gonna come right out and say that chick was sweet but ended up being a complete bitch. congratulations on further proving to me why i never liked sorority chicks to begin with.

nLrio - had some potential there, but mostly fucked due to the fact that she's about to graduate. she made my 438 class fun all semester but i wish things had gone a little differently. don't really dig how she spent most of her time justifying what kind of person she is instead of just doing the right thing and proving it to me. i really enjoyed talking to her and all that during the semester though. just kinda wish she'd done a better job getting her shit wired so we coulda hung out or whatever, but she apologized appropriately every time it happened and she doesn't leave a bad taste in my mouth really. all i can do is hope she remains some kinda penpal and that things go well for her in san antonio.

aaruL - provided some drunken fun saturday night, but unfortunately went a bit too far. think the lesson was learned tho and it prolly won't happen again. sorta proved to be a much cooler chick than i had thought before, just needs to let loose a bit more often. hopefully it doesn't always take 7 vodka shots to do so.

nthaCsira - prolly the only person i know right now (no offense to any readers) that's actually made the transition from my bad to my good side. proven that she's not the person i had painted her to be, and she's fun to talk to when she just drops the badass attitude and talks to you like she cares what you say. even turned out to be quite civil online.

Lnreua - tired of seeing her get fucked by people. going to my big brother mode where i just want everybody to stop hurting my baby sister. i'm here if she needs me.

next couple days will consist of possibly writing a paper, writing some code, hitting the books, tivo'd law & order/PTI/NHL2Night/etc and dvd's the two towers/serial experiments: lain discs 2-4/etc during any breaks. just glad to type this up on a fully functional computer and shit, heh.

get back to ya soon.


Thursday, December 04, 2003

hey loyal readers! today's a list of current goods and bads! hope you enjoy!


mystery science theater 3000
t-shirts with the word "fucked-up" on the back
E.L. Fudge cookies
ex-girlfriends that still bother to email you back
mike & ike's
people that mention something they saw on my blog
mario kart with anybody else
alayna singing along to the scrubs theme
kickass computer components on the way
good hourlong conversations with someone that used to hate you
advice from an unlikely source
pardon the interruption on ESPN
the st. anger album
knowing my soundsystem beats the shit out of my roommate's when necessary
listening to alayna talk about roommate's physical characteristics
hoang's occasional amusing away messages
the look on people's faces just before they catch themselves about to walk in front of a bus


people in general
broken promises
not knowing where to put your hair
computers so fucked up they barely work anymore
writing checks
forgetting how to properly go to bed and just passing out *on* the bed
really long emails from the president of your university
people that sing aloud in computer science labs
having to set up a completely new computer from scratch
the ABC network
people sitting active on IM but aren't actually there
polyphonic rings anywhere in public
guys that always have to label other guys either bro, man or buddy in any given sentence
the idea that any time you walk anywhere on campus you have to be on a cell phone

other than that, only some other daily musings for today. breaking news: peach la creme yogurt is "okay" but not nearly as good as raspberry. if you must buy la creme yogurt, stick with raspberry, but if you're at HEB and you see only one raspberry pack left, call 972.567.9948 and ask if it's okay to get the last pack.

in another piece of news, we had this chick in our emerging technologies class get up in front of the class today where we assumed she was gonna talk about her career and IT related things. instead out of nowhere, she's all "alright my real passion is to go around spreading the word about our lord jesus christ blah blah blah." i felt like i was the only one in the room shouting in my head in a big denis leary voice "" i was actually kind of apalled nobody threw anything at her. she was all up there throwing around all those big fancy names for god and it was just quite a scene, man. props to her for following her passion but next time she needs to let us know before she drops that bomb again, hot damn. i think i almost said amen when she was done.

without further ado, let's whip out some badass kevin smith movie quotes:

Silent Bob: You know, there's a million fine looking women in the world, dude. But they don't all bring you lasagna at work. Most of 'em just cheat on you.

that one's from clerks, and a good one if i might add. i think in some ways it says as soon as you find a girl that can devote everything she can to you, you keep her.

Dante Hicks: But you hate people.
Randal Graves: Yes, but I love gatherings. Isn't it ironic?

another from clerks. if you know anybody about me right now you don't have to ask.

Brodie: You're gonna listen to me? To something I said? Hasn't it become abundantly clear during the tenure of our friendship that I don't know shit?

from mallrats. sometimes don't you ever just feel like saying that when somebody comes to you for advice and you have no idea what to tell them, yet you can't bring yourself to be blunt about it?

Jay: I feel like I'm Han Solo, and you're Chewie, and she's Ben Kenobi, and we're in that fucked-up bar.

from dogma. kinda sums up how i feel half of every day lately.

Serendipity: When are you people going to learn? It's not about who's right or wrong. No denomination's nailed it yet, and they never will because they're all too self-righteous to realize that it doesn't matter what you have faith in, just that you have faith. Your hearts are in the right place, but your brains need to wake up.

pay close attention there, kids.

shit y'all, it's 4am! time to pass out!

till the next episode,

Thursday, November 27, 2003


not a helluva lot more to report. obviously home for the thanksgiving break. i was anxious to get home for family time and good food, and i've gotten those. crappy dallas/miami game today, was sort of a waste of a good 3 hours. most bided my time since i left college station on tuesday playing mario kart with lauren and catching up on some coupling and family guy episodes. went to the fry's in irving to try to find some decent computer parts (i'm building a new box) but nothing jumped up at me for a great price. i felt kinda stupid coming out of there with nothing (had to get through 35 and 635 traffic to get there) so i picked up a few dvd's to finish off my lain: serial experiments set. now the trick is to make sure i actually watch them, heheh.

kinda crazy next couple days. friday morning i drive down to college station to go to the a&m/UT game at 2:30, which basically no one in aggieland thinks is gonna be a close game at all. only reason we're making it such an issue of going is that it's the last game of our collegiate life (those of us that stop at undergrad) and we've never been to one against UT (the hated rivals, though hardly rivals in "reality" at this point). only a few hours after the game is over i gotta drive back to garland for a 10am funeral for my aunt saturday morning. haven't decided yet if i'm coming back to CS on saturday or waiting till sunday. either way that's 9 hours / 600 miles in the car in the next few days. 45 traffic the sunday coming back from thanksgiving is always a bitch anyway.

from there it's just one more normal week of school, then a couple days of redefined days and a few reading days, then exams. just 3-4 days after exams are done the family takes off for colorado.

i typically get a bit weird around exams (most people sorta do) mostly cuz just i tend to really alter my sleeping schedule based on what i feel are my natural biorhythms. obviously they don't match anybody else's so sometimes it can be a bit tougher to get ahold of me around that time. it'll prolly be about the same this semester cuz it's my last fall semester and i've got exams to worry about more than pleasing everybody and sleeping completely normal hours.

i don't really have a ton to get into tonight, i'll get back to ya in a few days.


Sunday, November 23, 2003

hello again all,

typical week of more highs and lows. hey, let's start with another rant about my shitty roommate, eh?

no more bullshitting or anything, this guy's an asshole. that's just sorta the best description for him without putting too much creativity into it. i guess some other good descriptions would be coward, pussy, idiot, etc.

my sister lauren, my girlfriend alayna and lauren's roommate laura come over friday night and the only thing he mustered up to say to any of 'em was a "hi" to my sister after he just awkwardly stood there as we're in the living room for a second. man he's such a fuckin loser and i'll be damned if i feel any pity for him anymore. everybody tells me the same thing when they come over, they never know what to say to him cuz the bastard just lurks. that's really all he does, he hides in his room all day/night when he's not in class (seriously that guy spends no more than 2 hours a day on campus), and when he needs something out in the living room or kitchen, he'll get it and spend less than an hour out there. i've had it with putting any effort into it and trying to do "the right thing" and try to pull him out of his shell or whatever and get him to wake the fuck up and realize he looks like a dick to everyone that bothers to come to our apartment. sometimes i'll just feed him the bullshit "so what's going on?" and he says like one word, so i say fuck him, i'll beat him at his own game and go out of my way to pretend like he's not there.

in a way it really sorta makes you feel like you're living in a dorm room again, cuz all you wanna do is exist in your own room away from the awkwardness anywhere else in the place. it's like i've got a dorm with a nice bathroom and access to a kitchen, kinda. at this point i never bother to entertain the idea of me and him having a meal together or something cuz it'd just be hella awkward and i'd end up regretting it 5 minutes in when he just went off on some topic i didn't care about. once things are fucked for a semester they don't automatically get better, so i'm sure christmas break will creep up and i'll do little more than tell him to go to hell when we leave for that and i'll forget about it while i'm in colorado and dallas. then next semester i'll be more focused about graduating and everything and by that point i'll have no interest in making any time for anybody that gives me any kinda shit like that.

i guess i can sorta sum up the weekend for ya or some shit. this was definitely the king of lazy weekends. friday night lauren, alayna and i went to applebee's and then played mario kart and crash nitro kart for a while, before the girls decided they had to make cookies, so we went to HEB and picked up laura on the way. "homemade" cookies that take 10 minutes to make only improved the already decent situation. pretty sweet (and humbling when you're 21) when you can just play video games and drink for like 4-5 hours, with everybody having a good ol' time. we even ended up topping it off with some MST3K, since the laur's get a kick out of that. alayna pretends like it's not that funny, but she'll come around soon.

saturday sorta topped friday as even more laziness. we played racquetball for an hour during the day and had gumby's pizza for dinner. quick sidenote, as an expert pizza eater, i'll give gumby's a 7 out of 10, since the crust was good, but the pizza itself was kinda mediocre and the boxes had no logo on 'em, making 'em feel kinda cheap. if you're in college station and need a quick ranking of who's got the kickass pizza, justin will tell ya double dave's (wins for being hardest to find anywhere else, plus awesome pepperoni rolls), pizza hut, dominos, papa john's, buck's, little caesar's, gumby's, etc. they'll all give ya a good time, no doubt. we fully caught up on the nbc shows and watched our tivo'd scrubs. laynie demanded (i felt like being flexible so i didn't go out of my way to argue) that we had to either watch identity or the first harry potter movie (she just finished the book) so i let her watch harry potter to help get it out of her system. from there it was basically just more typical alayna & justin bullshit, talking, goofing around and cooking breakfast. both nights we ended up just passing out, just the way i like it, heheh.

it's been a while since i've posted, so i guess i can just keep on going, right? as i said i would, i picked up crash nitro kart (CNK) and mario kart: double dash (MK) for gamecube over the last 10 days or so. even though they're both cart racing cartoony games, i don't think they're really that similar. my opinion on both:

Crash Nitro Kart
Pretty similar to the original playstation version, which means if you didn't like that one you won't like this one. luckily i liked the first, so that means this one continues the trend. the graphics are a little better than for ps1, but nothing truly amazing or anything. i love the gameplay still, i feel like the controls are just as responsive as they used to be, and overall the control scheme comes naturally. i think the racing tracks are improved over the last one, but the battle arenas (so far) don't seem extremely cool, although we might just have to play one to death to learn to love it. overall i'm happy with it and don't mind having thrown $50 at it, despite the fact that i'm sure MK outsold it heavily.

pros: awesome gameplay, good mix of challenge and ease, high replayability (mostly in battle mode), feels different enough from the mario kart series to almost be called its own concept now

cons: hard to care about the characters (characters in the crash bandicoot universe, which is 4 adventure/platform games and now 2 racing games, were never extremely well-crafted nor vividly thought out), possibly short playing life if the battle arenas don't keep you coming back

my personal overall ranking: 9.1 out of 10

Mario Kart: Double Dash
The original Super Mario Kart came out in like '91/92ish and we all fuckin loved it. my best friend at the time kevin bought it for SNES right away and we convened at his house for hours at a time for several months just to play it. he eventually played it to death and let me and lauren have it, in which case we ended up playing it to death ourselves, mastering the 150cc and special cup races and spending almost all of our time on the 4th level of battle mode. as cheesy as it may sound, that game still holds a special place for me because it's really responsible for spawning a limited array of games in which both my sister and i completely loved and as kids could just stop fighting and bickering for 2 hours long enough to play battle mode. the only problem is, when ps1 came out i latched onto that system and refused to have any interest in nintendo 64, so i only played mario kart 64 once and never really got into the game. so when everybody says that the gamecube version is too similar to the 64 version, it doesn't really matter to me.

the graphics in this game are obviously pretty gorgeous in that mario cartoony way and sorta has the same feel that super mario sunshine had, which i thought looked terrific. the thing that struck me immediately about the game was just how adorable and cute everything was, from the characters to the scenery to the menus. it's nice after playing so much CTR and CNK to go back to having all the characters you either love or love to hate instead of characters you don't really give a shit about. the new concept is that each cart has 2 people in it so that one can use items and the other can drive. overall it's a fun new twist, but i'm not completely sure if i'm sold on it. can't really say if it's completely necessary. the goals and everything are pretty much the same as any other cart racing game. the tracks are relatively clever, although i'm not sure if they're as good as the CNK ones.

for me, the jury's still out as far as to if the battle mode has the same kind of replayability as the SNES version had ten years ago. the arenas feel a lot smaller than they used to, and a bit too open. the weapons are a bit more sophisticated and character-specific, and the options to play shine thief or bob-omb blast are kinda cool.

pros: excellent execution as far as characters/graphics/sound, easy to pick up so typically fun for beginners, another candidate for long replay value, the original kart video game formula

cons: worse gameplay than it used to be -- for some reason nintendo decided to remove the hop... not really *that* important but the game feels a bit lacking without it, feels like too few tracks... or at least that they're not dynamic enough, 2-person per cart setup seems a bit forced at times and just doesn't add a whole lot to the game

my personal overall ranking: 8.8 out of 10

so yes, it looks as if i've actually rated CNK (the supposed imposter) higher than MK (the supposed king of all kart games)! i could be a bit biased cuz i got CNK a week earlier than MK, but i've still put in about 5-6 hours of playing time in on MK. i think my preference really comes down to which has the tighter gameplay, and thus, more fun. CNK's game engine allows you to completely stop on a dime and pivot, by going from gas to brake and jump/boosting at the same time, which works beautifully in battle mode. the same move in MK is simply not as clean, and you pay for that as soon as you try to stop and pivot to go pick up a loose shine.

overall they're both great games and i'm glad i bought them. they're the kind of games that should be played in multiplayer mode at least 75% of the time, since most people love these kinds of games and can get easily hooked on 'em. the verdict so far, at least from the 3 girls was that they preferred MK over CNK. i'm just not sure yet if i can agree with that. i think CNK screwed a couple things up (battle arenas, execution in some areas, etc) but overall (thus far) it just feels like a game with more horsepower than the other. you feel like you're moving faster, the competition is a bit more fierce, and you're a bit more proud when you cross the finish line in first place.

shit, that took long enough to explain, eh?

what's coming up for me... my 4th and final thanksgiving break from a&m... it's a bit bittersweet since i've got an aunt on her deathbed after a long bout with cancer. so unfortunately a funeral sometime soon will be part of my thanksgiving fesitivites. i'm leaving on tuesday afternoon to get back to dallas for a late dentist appointment since i ripped out a filling while chewing quench gum during a game of racquetball. shit, i still say it was worth it when i kicked that guy's ass in that game. i'm definitely looking forward to having our thanksgiving meal on thursday, and i'm not usually the kinda guy that ever looks forward to some kinda home-cooked meal. the plan is to come back friday morning to go to the a&m vs UT football game since we've never seen them play in person, but if we have to attend the funeral then i won't be able to go.

from there it's back to college station for the next couple weeks to finish up classes and exams. i'm done with the semester on december 17th and we drive to our house in westcliffe, colorado most likely on december 20th. we'll most likely be there from the 20th till the 30th, with lauren's boyfriend zach there for a few days and alayna there for a few days as well. most of the details aren't worked out yet but it should be pretty badass for the most part. we'll ski a time or two while we're there and it's always more fun if it snows in our area. we typically end up spending our time doing things as a family, plus playing video games, dvd's, reading, hiking, 4-wheeling, etc. i typically see it as going to our 2nd house in colorado is fun as long as we're not there really often and for long periods of time. xmas is the longest visit of the year, and it can get hella boring if you're not careful, but everything should be pretty cool this time around. it's my last visit as a college student and stuff, so sort of the end of an era.

i know a lot of things really slow down over the holidays, but you'll prolly hear more from me blog-wise over the next few weeks. i usually post more while i'm home and in colorado if we've got a laptop with us. i've really lacked on posts lately cuz my computer's basically fucked and it's too risky to try to type out a whole post without worrying that it'll reboot on me. several people have ended up enjoying reading my posts and i wanna make sure everybody knows i'm not giving up on it.

talk to everybody soon,

Saturday, November 15, 2003

new post coming here soon, i promise.


Tuesday, November 04, 2003

i guess i'll lighten up a bit on this post and not go after such crazy issues, eh?

alright, first things first. hang on a sec... have you ever actually thought about that expression before? what the fuck does "first things first" mean anyway? as opposed to doing the first thing second? that's some bullshit... let's start again.

so i finally watched 28 days later. IMDb has it as a 7.3, but i think i'd go with about a 7.8. overall i really enjoyed it. i love the entire idea of cities and everything just completely abandoned, sorta like how vanilla sky did with central park and NY. (interesting sidenote: vanilla sky is not nearly as bad as critics say, i promise.) the goofy film quality to it worked pretty well i thought, kinda made everything a lot more chaotic. i can see how some would prolly think it was a bit too slow or didn't have enough happening at certain points. like some others have said on the IMDb boards, the ending to it really wasn't that spectacular. they actually had 3 endings on the dvd, but the one that was ultimately selected was prolly the best. i think you could prolly do a lot more with this entire concept, it's just that it's already been done to death so many times that most people prolly wouldn't enjoy it. i like how it was more about realizing how lonely you can be and the psychological aspects of it as opposed to focusing so much on the mechanics of the virus itself. a lot of people knocked 28 days later for not being scary enough, but i don't really gauge a movie's entertainment value based on that. in my opinion it was scarier than most average teen slasher flicks these days. personal favorite was when the infected little boy comes out of nowhere in the restaurant and there's no sound at all when he does it. as rick would say, that was just swicked.

i also rented billy hatcher & the giant egg for gamecube. i sorta feel the need to say that game title again. yeah, the name of the game is billy hatcher & the giant egg. sorta mixed reviews overall online, but i remember it was highly touted for a while a good 3 months ago, so there was some speculation for it, mostly cuz it's from the same people that did all the sonic the hedgehog games. i guess if i rated it on a 10 scale like IMDb or something, i'd give it 7.2. i dunno if it's supposed to be a kid's game or what, but goddamn it's goofy as shit. some of the menu music is just this "la-la-la-la" stuff over and over. the game got big points off in the sound department for most people, but overall it sorta fit the game and wasn't that bad. the entire concept of the game, which is basically pushing eggs into things or hatching eggs to accomplish some task, is... weird. not that weird games don't work, just look at pikmin. i dunno, i just don't think it's the kinda game i'd spend more than $30 to buy. i can imagine myself playing it a lot and maybe finishing it, but not so much in a period where much cooler games are coming out.

i think right now is a kickass time to be a gamecube owner. they just dropped GC console prices, pushing it ahead of the others in current sales, Xbox isn't doing much, and PS2 is almost starting to be thought of as graphically inferior and lacking the hardware. between now and first quarter 2004 we GC owners should have a pretty great time of it. the thing is, i just figured out the next crash bandicoot kart game is coming out next week, and while most people will shrug it off and wait for the new mario kart the next week, i'm still really hyped for 'em both. me and my sister lauren played the absolute crap out of the PS1 version of crash team racing, which in my opinion (i know i'm in the huge minority here) is the best game to have come out on that system, just like super mario kart was for super nintendo. i never had an N64 so i don't know much about mario kart 64. for me, the key to those games really is battle mode. i must have spent like a good 6 months time combined just playing mario kart in battle mode, and then maybe just as much with CTR battle mode. so if for whatever reasons the 2 games coming out didn't even have battle mode, i don't think i'd even bother. so even though that'll be $100 combined for those 2 kart games, i think i've gotta get both, man. definitely psyched for that.

a couple games that just came out, ssx 3 and tony hawk's underground (THUG) look pretty promising. me and alayna love ssx tricky, so ssx 3 should be just as good if not even better with even more ubertricks and better graphics. hoang's already said it's awesome, and what more proof do i need? i've loved all the tony hawk pro skater games so far, so that leads me to believe i'll like THUG just as much. the only thing that keeps me from being really interested is that it's more story-based, and typically i didn't really give much of a shit about a lot of the story and goals in the pro skater games. the real drawback with that one is if it's just as hard as pro skater 4, i'm not sure if i'll bother. in my opinion pro skater 4 is fun as hell but goddamn so many of the goals take forever to complete, so it really slows you down. not sure which of these i'll end up getting... might be one of those things where i just blow some xmas cash on both or something.

there's also a few more that have recently come out that got a lot of hype... such as viewtiful joe. one of those i know nothing about but i'm curious to know what everybody's talking about. i should get plenty of playing time over the holidays, and i fully plan on utilizing it.

enough for now,

Friday, October 31, 2003

alright, two major topics for tonight: the transition from college to the real world and long-term relationships between the ages of 18 and 22.

i'll tackle the long-term relationships debacle first, cuz i can prolly explain that one a little quicker. i'll come right out and say it (since the recent common observation amongst everyone is that i am in fact blunt), i am mostly opposed to lengthy long-term relationships in college. i guess i'm sorta loosely defining that -- i'd say a long-term relationship in this case counts as at least 2 and a half or 3 years, and typically either starts freshmen year of college or even back in high school. the funny thing is, i'm against these kinds of relationships mostly for my own benefit, since the people in these kinds of long-term commitments are traditionally harder to get along with.

this is only based on my own experience, i can't guarantee any of this as fact or the case for everyone. it's simply harder to get somebody in one of those to bend just a little to break out of their usual mold that they've gotten so used to. when somebody's been in a real long relationship, you can basically just look at them and realize that they haven't been out and met anybody of the opposite sex and really been able to connect with them, because if they did their sig other would most likely not be able to handle it. unfortunately they typically make for less well-adjusted type people and make it harder for you to get close to them, because they've already proven they don't put a lot of emphasis on meeting new people in general.

there's a big part of me that actually wonders how they were able to even pull off such a lengthy relationship in the first place. i mean if you told me i had to keep the same gf i had in HS and remain faithful in college and make things last, i don't think i'd have been able to do it. does that make me an overly shifty person cuz i couldn't do that? no i don't think so, i think it makes me about average. i think if you came here with a gf or bf and you never got to play the field here or just ogle people in classes or something then you're not really understanding what a lot of this is all about. sure you're here to get your education and whatnot to be successful in life, but look at all the opportunities around you. how can you pass all that up? are you that convinced that you met the right person back in high school or early on here when you were only 18 years old? how? how did you do that? i think you gotta go out with several people before you even understand what you even want in another person. i guess it shows there are still plenty of old-fashioned people out there that think they've got it all planned out before they can even buy a drink. guess i'm not one of those people, heh.

relationships are great -- when you're the one in 'em. have you ever noticed that? how many times have you had one of your friends be in a great mood all the time cuz they've got a new boy/girlfriend, yet all of a sudden you can never spend time with them or you just find them obnoxious? sometimes that shit seems to happen like that. when you try to transition between classmates/co-workers with somebody into real friends and such, all of a sudden you have to clear all this shit with everybody's gf/bf's and it's just a whole huge deal most of the time. that's where it sucks to try to be tight with somebody who's had a really serious bf/gf forever. i've been on both sides, where i'm trying to pry the girl away from her bf of 2 decades or whatever, and where a guy's trying to pry my girl away from me for a night. either way, it sure is a bitch.

i'm trying my best to be open-minded about it (c'mon, gimme a break, i've been burned really bad by these kinds of situations) but i have to say statistically you're gonna be happier if you don't try to be real tight with these kinds of people. i refuse to say that you shouldn't become friends with somebody you meet that's been in a long-distance relationship. it isn't that black & white. i've seen examples of people that have been dating the same person forever but they're still able to make enough time to have fun with other people. i'm just saying, give me 2 girls, 1 who's single or in a new relationship and 1 who's had the same bf since sophomore algebra in high school, and i'm gonna pick the first one to try to have a meal with. it's just... i've been burned too many times by girls just cuz they have boyfriends. you get sick of that happening to you. you think, "y'know, find me a girl that's not hitched so she'll be available now and then to just go do something, for christ's sake." it's hard enough to work around academic and personal schedules, working around a jealous boyfriend or girlfriend is just an unnecessary obstacle.

eh, that's prolly enough about that, you kinda get my point. i think i had a point. i'll buy you a 6-pack or something if you text msg my cell explaining to me what my point was on that.

alright, the college to real world transition... why do i phrase it like that though? as if college isn't part of the real world? yeah, that's cuz it isn't. here's why:

-- at least for me, look at my post below on sleeping patterns. you can't pull that shit off anywhere except at college, man. you can't go work for a company and sleep from 5-9am one day, then 8am-3pm another day, etc. that isn't anything close to reality.

-- at least at texas a&m, people try to pull off this 3 day weekend shit. that doesn't happen after college. you can't just go crazy on thursday nights when you've got work the next day and expect things to just work out.

-- our priorities are all kinds of fucked up. if you're any kind of good student (why am i putting myself in this category?) then grades matter so much to you. everything you do is to ensure your stupid good grade. life isn't about good grades. life is about being happy and doing things so that you make others around you happy.

-- students don't operate on any kind of reality. there's gotta be like at least 10,000 students that go to church here and they're a lot holier than me when they're anything but. that's a whole other blogpost though. so many people on campus are just completely fake and you meet so many people in so many places that you can't remember anybody's name, but you pretend you do.

the way i see it, everybody in college is sorta scared in a way. as a freshman and sophomore, you're still a little uneasy about a lot of shit that comes along. when you hit junior and senior, you've been here long enough to feel comfortable and you're prepared for everything that comes along, but you're so damn worried about getting a job afterwards.

i've met so many people at the senior level that are scared shitless about what's about to come after college. whether it's regarding living scenario, relationship or job, everybody's worried about something. the easiest example i see of that stuff is so many people i know trying to get jobs. i admit i'm fortunate to have something real good lined up after school and i don't really have to worry, but it sucks that so many people i know have to go through all this shit just to score job opportunities. the most apparent example of that is in my INFO courses. a lot (not all) of INFO majors, their biggest skill is simply asskissing. they want to sell shit and be businessmen or whatever in their career, and that's fine, but they're gonna have to kiss ass in order to do that. seems like being in wehner is all about just watching people in suits and nice clothes kiss other peoples' asses. these poor bastards spend all their damn time going to informationals and shit like that just to get some crappy chance at a job with a decent company. they kinda bug me, but i feel for them. it just sucks that majors like IT and computer science have students that graduate with a degree and don't even have a job afterwards.

i guess that's about my 2 cents on a couple more topics for today. let me know if you feel what i'm saying or if you think i'm completely off here.

much love,

Wednesday, October 29, 2003

well it's been a while since i posted so i figured i better come up with something, right?

alright i finally got a topic to bitch about tonight... this time we're gonna harp on the sleeping habits of people.

let's start this off in my usual blunt way: if you're a current student, i lack respect for you if you fall in any of the following categories:

-- you have a certain number of hours you have to sleep every night

-- you prefer to wake up early all the time to get things done instead of doing them at night

-- you go out of your way to bitch to me about how tired you are when you got more hours of sleep than i did the previous night

-- you've never pulled an all-nighter and you've been in school for more than 2 semesters

i've arrived at these conclusions by thinking of who i've gotten along with well and who i haven't over the last 4 years here at a&m. it seems only those that can stay up and put sleep off for a while seem to get along with me on any kind of consistent basis.

maybe i should clarify a little better what i'm talking about. i think if you have a few early classes a week, you should be able to go to bed earlier for those circumstances. what i don't like, is when your classes basically start at 10 and 11 and you're in bed while it's still in the PM hours or you think you're insane when you're going to bed at 1am. if you've got an important job and you can't afford to ever be tired, by all means, get proper sleep. but the majority of you, you're a college kid like me. the focus of your life is getting good grades.

that being said, let's look at a couple of "case studies" if you will.

alayna (past best friend and current girlfriend)
obviously i love her, but she's a perfect example of the type of person i have so much trouble getting along with. for the first year i knew her, almost all arguments we had were based on her going to bed so early. i think she's the classic scenario of a good student and intelligent person, but a complete pussy when it comes to sucking it up, putting everything else on hold, and just shutting the fuck up about being tired. of course, i respect my own girlfriend, but i still have problems with the fact that she's never pulled an all-nighter. she and i have argued playfully several times about it. an all-nighter is actually a double edged sword in some respects. on one hand, it means that you weren't prepared enough for your test/project to be done with it and get sleep the night before, but on the other, it shows that you care enough about it to completely postpone sleeping and get what you have to do done. she gets things done with the best of 'em, unfortunately her lack of willingness to just suck it up and stay up all night to be better prepared almost always makes me feel in some weird backwards way that i'm actually the more driven student.

what's funny is over the course of our relationship, she's proven she can stay up, despite what she thought previously. i feel like i actually love her more when she stays up till 2am talking to me and doesn't go on and on about needing sleep. she doesn't go out of her way to bother me that she's tired, and i respect that about her. she doesn't have so many early classes anymore, and i think her staying up later helps us get along better in some way.

dustin (former roommate of 2 and a half years and friend)
heheh, the thing about dustin is that in my book he'll always be #2 to me as far as having the best sleep "abilities." i never thought it'd be the case but he was my favorite person to live with in college based on the way he viewed sleep. he basically saw sleep as the best thing in the world, even going as far as to say if he could, he'd sleep over half the day. the thing was, dustin would put off sleep as long as he'd have to when he had shit on the line. to an extent some of my all-nighter and sleep deprivation "abilities" were fine-tuned due to being around him. in my book he's been able to pull off one thing i haven't, and that's the double all-nighter. i've tried prolly 2-3 times, and each time i've had to throw in the towel for at least an hour of sleep. if i'm not mistaken he was able to pull off 48 hours straight with no sleep, which is golden in my opinion.

i think in my on-campus days i almost completely learned how to nap from dustin. i sort of learned that you can get away with sleeping 4 hours at night and then a 1 or 2 hour nap during the day and not feel tired all the time. the only difference dustin and i had was our viewpoints on sleep itself. he viewed sleep as the best thing in the world and loved doing it. i view sleep as the worst thing in the world and i hate doing it. i won't lie, when i get tired and feel like sleeping, i do, and it feels good. it's just that the whole time i'm asleep i feel like i could be doing something better. not so much something productive, just something else that would make me happy or whatever. i guess i just wish in general we didn't sleep at all and could just stay up 24 hours a day, didn't need any kind of bed at all.

rick (fellow computer science major and friend)
the thing i like about rick is the guy just stays up even when he doesn't have to, cuz that's how i am. he admits sometimes he should be in bed but knows he can get away with staying up, and i love that mentality. i think in some weird way it gives me more respect for him, in that it at least gives you somebody to talk to in the later hours and somebody who understands that there are often better things to do than sleep.

general case -- strict sleepers (several people over the years)
i've met plenty of people that feel they're committing a sin if they're up past midnight, regard sleep as way more important than anybody or anything else, and that it's simply impossible to exist without 7/8/9 hours of sleep a night. y'know why i can't get along with these people? for one, they never have time to talk to you. these people are substituting a couple hours of sleep for a good block of time that they could prolly be interfacing with other people and thus growing as a person in some way. that's why i don't respect 'em... as soon as you admit to me it's more important for you to get 9 hours of sleep before your 9am class than it is to talk to me for 30 minutes on IM, i've lost all interest in ya.

i'm the first to admit i have weird sleeping patterns. typically, i put off sleep as long as i can until i feel i'm too sluggish to stay up or need to go to bed to get enough sleep so that i can properly function the next day. i don't expect everyone to follow that pattern, i just think you're wasting your 4 years of college by grandma'ing it up all the time. i may procrastinate and get sidetracked and whatnot, but if you slept 9 hours last night and i slept 4, guess what? i accomplished much more than you and prolly had a good ol' fuckin time doing it. so while you're sleeping it up and thinking how great it is that you never fall asleep in your horribly boring lecture the next day, remember me, the guy that's staying up late having a blast and living a life you don't have the balls to even try.

still representin' the dark side,

Sunday, October 19, 2003

People Suck, Part 2 of 2

hey you silly shits! who's ready for part 2? there's got to be plenty more to add to this rant, right?

let's talk about the difference between an isolated incident and the emergence of a social trend after having several incidents happen in a row...

when one person fucks you over, you try your best to just blow it off. it's a completely different beast though when it happens to you over and over and you realize you can't just simply blow it off every time. that's when you have to try to narrow down what kind of people actually keep letting you down. often times i'll simply get frustrated and claim that people suck, much like i have in the title of this post. but it's not people that are doing this to me, it's the particular people that i've chose to grow closer to and become friends with.

i don't know exactly what age it happened at, but i would guess around something like 17 i started to prefer making friends with girls instead of guys. before that, i basically never had female friends, all my best friends growing up were guys no more than 9 months apart from my age. i had formed crushes on girls at an early age, even in kindergarten i would have some sort of warped romantic feeling for the prettier girls in class. but once the end of high school started to come around i seemed to have a bit more confidence in myself and didn't have too much trouble becoming friends with girls in classes and through jobs. i think when i entered college, this became even more apparent. even now at 21, i can't really explain why this happens.

i guess when i walk into an environment such as work or class for the first time, i employ just a real quick flash of knowledge to decide where i'd like to sit, because we all know where you sit the first time could easily be where you sit/claim for the rest of the semester. for some reason i seem to have less tolerance for sitting next to other guys, not too sure why. i think i'm more unhappy in a situation overall when i'm near a guy that i find somewhat pompous or just talks too much or something. so i typically try to sit closer to girls than guys. but then, for obvious human-aesthetic-fetish purposes, i'd prefer to sit closer to attractive girls than unattractive ones. so putting this all together, i'm typically exposed to or sitting near attractive girls, and if you have enough confidence and are a likable enough person, you shouldn't have trouble becoming friends with at least some of them. the thing is, throughout college most of the time i've had a girlfriend, so in a sense i shouldn't really be talking that much with girls i'm attracted to, right? it's typically just an easy way to piss off your girlfriend. but i never seem to let this stop me. i think there's a part of me that still wants to be crushed upon, or to excite a girl by flirting her up a bit. i think that's prolly what drives me the most to form friendships with pretty girls. if they're nice enough and at some point admit they think you're cute, you feel pretty fulfilled launching into a friendship with them.

my problem isn't "oh i can't find people in classes/environments that i have any connection with" or "i'm too lonely in my classes." it's that when you become friends in whatever you have together, whether it's your impossible calculus class or your internship, it's too difficult to carry the friendship outside of that application. i've found that talking to that person outside of your familiar common area is exceedingly difficult, mostly based on their discomfort. i think that's where i differ from a lot of people regarding who you actually consider your friends. in my opinion, just because you have a class with somebody and you sit next to each other everyday, you aren't really friends. look in the dictionary, a friend is somebody that you like and trust. just sitting next to somebody in class and occasionally talking to them about your subject isn't really a bonding friendship to me. you have to talk outside of that common area, you have to email, talk on the phone, get together for drinks, a meal, a movie, etc. friends will show up at my funeral, the guy that i sat next to in data structures freshmen year won't. why is it really all that difficult to get with people outside of your common area? and if it really is all that difficult, how did they ever end up hanging out with people in the first place?

unfortunately, in a male-female friendship, it's always gonna be tricky to keep things completely platonic and make sure things don't slip into the romantic realm, given that you're both already hitched or for some reason unable to date. so it's a little different than just being friends with another guy, you have to put extra effort into it just to make sure the girl doesn't get uncomfortable. the thing is, there are so many girls that can't get away from the traditional male-female relationship. the traditional male-female relationship is not friends, it's lovers. so there are so many girls that think the man always has to initiate contact, dictate the direction things head, etc. it seems to be next to impossible to get a girl out of this mode. the problem is, when they prove to be this way, they unknowingly make the entire friendship seem so much more like a date than just a meeting of 2 friends. and most of the time, if the girl already has a guy, she won't allow herself get into a one-on-one situation with you, for fear of something happening, or pissing off her boyfriend.

this is what really gets in the way. at about the ages of roughly 20-25, most people already have a boy/girlfriend, myself included. but we're all guilty of the same thing: we love our significant other enough so that we don't want to jeopardize what we have and keep things as happy as possible. well, that's great for the relationship and all, but it sort of destroys the rest of your social life, doesn't it? think about it, with that in mind, you start filtering all your friendships to disclude anybody you'd ever "accidentally" sleep with. girls have no problems becoming friends with girls, because they know their boyfriend's never gonna have to wonder whether they're being faithful or not when with them. apparently, very few people our age actually have any trust anymore. i think girls love to give themselves that kind of self-confidence: they love to make their boyfriend worry just a little bit, but then make him happy by fucking over the guy that was making them nervous. girls love to assume if the two of you (friends and only friends) go out and you have any second together alone at all, she's gonna end up being groped in the corner. often times, girls can't handle the fact that maybe, just maybe, you might just wanna have their company for a little bit, not that you're horny and you'd really sorta like to get laid tonight.

having attractive girls as friends is a complete double-edged sword. the pros: you can be seen in public with a variety of pretty girls that will make other guys jealous and make you look cooler, you know other girls that you'd happily date if something happened to your own relationship, and you have to worry less about her complaining about confidence and other issues because she's more confident in general due to her appearance. the cons: they frequently assume everyone wants to sleep with them and nothing else, they think they're doing you a favor just by spending any time with you, and they get away with a million things (such as excuses and rude remarks) that if a guy ever said to you, you'd have to be restrained from breaking his jaw.

the moral is: pretty girls will always be the best at duping you. i admit, i'm constantly duped by a pretty girl, and it will continue to happen. i'm powerless against it. girls give you hope and then they take it away. since they make anything seem like a date situation, if you get turned down, you feel like you're being rejected for a date. when a guy tells you he can't do something, you don't really care all that much.

so when promises go unfulfilled and calls and emails don't get returned, what's happens to you? you lose trust. you don't just lose trust in people you thought were your friends, you lose trust in everyone in general. you come to accept that even if you're getting together later or something will happen, you shouldn't get excited over it. nowadays when someone tries to set something up with me, i accept and all, but in the back of my mind, i'm telling myself "this probably won't happen." people wonder why i don't show that much emotion. do you think this could have something to do with it? i can't afford to build up my hopes for everything and then just to be rejected almost every single time. so after all this, you have me, a guy who doesn't trust people, is unwilling to meet new people that will just be like the rest that have disappointed him so far, and who generally feels he shouldn't tolerate anyone's bullshit because he's tolerated far too much already.

most people would disagree with me, but i put up with too much bullshit already. i really do. i think the automatic policy should be if you never contact me first, if you make me call you twice a week apart with no response, if you make up horrible excuses instead of actually just going out and having a good time, you should be crossed off my list. i think society in general should give up on that portion of society that's even capable of such acts. i say we all put our foot down and say fuck all those people and let them be friends amongst each other.

so how do you avoid people that will let you down? that's the problem, it's next to impossible. i wish i could have seen ahead and seen how so many of these "friends" would have treated me further down the line. at least in that case, i could have steered clear of them in the first place and just been friends with somebody else that wouldn't have let me down so much. i think from now on, when shaking someone's hand for the first time, i should say "hey, i'm justin... oh i'm sorry to bother you, but if i call you or send you an email will you be getting back to me within 2 days?" if they answer "uh prolly not" you find some polite way of telling them that you're terribly sorry but you can't waste your time dealing with their bullshit for now. if they answer "of course" you give 'em a nice big smile and pass 'em your contact info.

honestly, i hope in 5 years i'll never remember feeling this way. people in general make me sick. society lets me down everyday, and i can't continue to hide it.

sorry for the last couple days of extremely long posts, you'll just have to bear with me. this isn't the type of stuff i can explain in a few sentences.

best of luck,

Saturday, October 18, 2003

People Suck, Part 1 of 2

hey, i'm back home in dallas for the weekend. haven't been home for a good 2 months so it's only appropriate that i make an appearance now and then.

today's rant opens the long-awaited can of worms entitled, "people suck." i say "people suck" because some people get a little touchy when you just come right out and say "college-aged women suck." but, that's sorta who i'm referring to here, to be honest.

i guess some background info might be apropos here, right? i'd say from freshmen year to senior year in some ways i've changed a lot as a person. i mean yes, everybody can sorta say that when they reach 21 and they can look back on how they were when they entered college as opposed to how they were when they left college, but for me mostly my social tendencies and such are completely different than what they used to be. as a freshmen at a&m, i was admittely one of most overall unwilling people you'd have ever met. it was a new environment for me, i didn't really know anybody at all, and i immediately felt that i didn't fit in with everyone else that chose to go to a&m. of course, you have some people that were used to it or were more quickly willing to forget all that and go out and have a good time, and these people would ask me to go do things or to just hang around together in general. in those days i was much more likely to say no and just do my own thing based mostly on my lack of desire to do things i wasn't used to or try anything new at all. it made for a lot of lonely scenarios and a general sense of unhappiness, as well as bashing the ego a little bit and dropping my confidence.

as time went on and semesters flew by, of course i met more and more people or found people that i could mesh with more easily and most of the loneliness went away. throughout the middle years, as a sophomore and junior, i never really had a huge burning desire to be the starter of social situations or the guy that always calls to set things up. i was typically just happy hanging with my roommate or girlfriend at the time, and basically no one else. but now, in a more defined, stable relationship of over a year and no longer having a roommate i can really connect to at all, add on a slight urgency to see people before i graduate, you now have me as more of a willing person that genuinely wants to make time for other people and to not turn down seemingly trivial social situations so that i don't look back on my college years with disappointment.

so, i started to take more action. action i had never really bothered with from 18-20 as a struggling, "why did i pick this major?" type guy doing my own thing at a college that thrives on doing its own thing itself. you meet people in different ways, you have different ways of contacting people. you have people's phone numbers, their email addresses, their AIM s/n's, a common contact between the two of you, etc. so my rationale was that, "why shouldn't i go out on a limb a bit and make an active effort to see the people that i've made friends with but have lost a little contact with, or people that i generally haven't tried to have a relationship with outside of class or work before?" obviously, you call, email, IM, etc, initially just making sure they're conscious and at least somewhat available. okay, well in my experience it seems like unless they're currently being hit by a bus, they will almost always get back to you in some form or fashion based on your initial contact. it's typically along the lines of "hey, how's your semester going? what are you doing after college? blah blah blah" and then once each has answered these questions, a next step will either be made or nothing else will come from it at all. from the "research" i've done, i apparently know more people that would rather have the latter situation occur than actually following up with something.

think about communication standards today, and what our "IM generation" has become used to. for a lot of people, including me, instant messenger is by far the easiest way to get ahold of them. i'm the kinda guy that you can always reach me through IM, and if i'm not around, i have up a semi-meaningful away message that typically gives you at least an idea of where i may be. in this sense, i consider myself embarrassingly easy to get ahold of. other people are different, they get on AIM maybe once or twice a week, probably from an open-access lab or something. you can't rely on contacting these people online most of the time, because they're way less likely to be available at any given moment. anybody remember ICQ, before AIM? i know hoang does. ICQ (who, oddly enough, was purchased by AOL years ago) actually had a much better system than AIM, for 2 reasons in my opinion: 1) you could send each other messages even when offline, and those messages would just queue up on the server and be delivered to you when you logged on later; and 2) you had several options for exactly "how away" you really were, meaning you could differentiate between not wanting to be disturbed as you study for your big midterm and just a simple away message for when you decided to nap. of course you also have the people that are most likely on some IM service, it's just that you're not aware of their s/n, maybe because you've simply never discussed it. with these people you're obviously going to have to go another route for contacting them.

okay, so in my opinion the next best thing to an easy quick IM is a slightly longer but equally simple email. alright, but here's the problem, email isn't what it used to be. an email address used to be sort of a novel idea, kind of an indication that you were hip and cool and well-aware of the new trendy technology, but now, it's a phone number. worse, it's a phone number that only ever lets you leave a message on their answering machine, because it's not a real-time style of communication. email in 1997 was "e-mail," and it was a very different beast. you typically got much fewer mail back then, with a less internet-dependent society, so each email really meant more to you. there was no spam or excessive mass emails, so each one was almost guaranteed to be a little more personal to you. now, email is a commodity. it's the way the rest of us get in touch with you when we aren't close enough to you have your phone number. the problem is, you get 20 emails a day. 10 of 'em advertise adding 3 inches to your dick (whether you have one or not is irrelevant), 5 of 'em inform you of upcoming university events that you don't really care about, 3 of 'em are from your professors giving you info about your class, and 2 are from your friends or boyfriend. you see all those emails and think, "okay, time to delete all the crap i got today." do you see my point? email in a sense today is shit. it really is. i don't think anyone that had a hand in designing the ARPANET of the 60's and those that pushed corporate email in the 70's and 80's ever thought, "y'know, one day i bet email will be considered a relatively stupid idea." at this point, i do consider it a stupid idea. at work, i think it's something i simply could not do without. at school, i think IM should be used to handle all textual communication, even for university related stuff. i think everyone through a&m should use a standard IM client (AIM-based or not) with semi-tolerant naming conventions and obviously not firewalled to the outside world. university announcements could be sent to all students through standard IM-bots (much like those that send out porn links), and could even be encoded with some type of priority level, indicating that they wouldn't be delivered until 5am when they're less likely to interrupt your current chats.

regarding email, everyone has one thing in common and one thing completely different. in common, we all see the message header in our inbox and say "i'm interested in what this person is sending me, i'm eager to open this." the difference lay in what we do about it. some people respond right away, eager to hear back from the person. others, wait a couple days to make sure they don't look "too desperate." maybe they wait a week. but d'ya know what i've run into now? an entirely new breed, a seemingly unstoppable juggernaut of a category. a category of people that do not respond. y'know i didn't even think this was an option? but i've been proven wrong. i don't know who started it or if there was some kind of meeting i missed about it, but apparently it's become socially accepted that a valid response to an email is to simply read it and throw it away. everyone sees the internet and our newfound sense of connectivity and global awareness and all this other utopian-esque bullshit as being what will drive us into a better society. i disagree. in 4 years of college and during a time of great technological achievement and prosperity, we are moving backwards. as soon as the option for not responding to somewhat at all was added, the entire concept of email when to shit. what was once seen as a way to open new doors of communication between everybody has now become a high-tech way of throwing a well-thought email and figuratively throwing it at a brick wall.

should all emails be sent with read receipts? should i get an autoresponse from your IMAP server telling me you took time out of your day to read my email, and promptly throw it away. should we hack sendmail and IMAP scripts so that i can be notified how long you actually kept my email? should i feel victorious when you did actually read my email, or that maybe you even kept it for a day or 2? the simple answer is no. the more elaborate answer is no, and fuck you if you think any of that's feasible. to get an email from me and not respond within a week is an absolute insult, and you should be ashamed your account is even still active after you ignore me. sound a little pompous of me? nope, it isn't. it's common human courtesy. i write long emails, don't i? blog posts, emails, anything with text, i write a lot, don't i? guess what? you don't have to send the same thing back. do you know how much better it is getting an email that says "I understand" instead of getting nothing at all. what makes you think i even know you ever even read my damn email, much less that you understand it? do people think i thrive on some kind of one way communication with other people? with the exception of posting this block for the public to see and possibly getting no feedback from it, why would i ever want to do that?

here's the most common scenario: i email you. okay, y'know what? here's the first fuckin problem: a lot of the time, i shouldn't have to email you.. i should be getting as many emails as i'm sending out at all times. but let's say i suck it up and email you anyway. the usual reaction, they're happy to hear from you. i won't bullshit you or complain about that part, they are typically happy that you bothered to send them an email. so, they respond. typically, within 3 days, although we both have to pretend they didn't get it 20 minutes after i sent it cuz they check their email every 5 minutes. how many sentences is the average response email? the correct answer is 3. do you want to hear how that email goes? i'll tell you, i've got it memorized. check it out:

hey justin,
good to hear from you. my semester's been so busy, but i'm doing pretty good! hope your semester's going well.
[standard goodbye]

okay, so they responded, so that's better than nothing, right? my question is, where do i go from here? let's pick out each sentence and see what i can do with it.

"good to hear from you."
what should i say to this? "awww, good to hear from you too! thanks SOOO much for responding back to me after you refused to email me first for the last 3 months! must have been a lot of work! lol" nope, not gonna happen.

"my semester's been so busy, but i'm doing pretty good!"
what? your semester's busy? man, what the fuck major are you in? what's all this busy shit? guess what? we're all fuckin busy. i promise you, even the general studies majors with 12 hours are at least sometimes a little busy. do i really have to prod you to tell me what the fuck you're actually busy with? have you ever thought if you didn't have to try so hard to avoid nice guys like me, you prolly wouldn't be so goddamn busy? something to consider...

"hope your semester's going well!"
y'know what? chances are, in the original email, i told you how my semester's going. half the time, i prolly already admitted i'm pretty busy and the semester's really tough. is my semester magically gonna get much better after you tell me you hope it's going well? most of the time i feel like saying "my semester would go a lot better if you were just a little bit nicer."

okay, despite all that, i still find some way to manufacture a response email. what do i take the risk of in this response email? that's right, folks, i really man up on this one. i actually suggest we should see each other in person! i know, i know, i'm one bold motherfucker, but it's just this crazy notion i had, i know it's wild, just figured i'd go balls out and throw it out there. but how does a girl typically read this suggestion? they don't like to admit it, but they're terrified. they're terrified because they know you just pulled off something they're not prepared for. they think, "will he hit on me if i say yes?" "what will my boyfriend think?" "what would i even wear?" "is he gonna pay for my meal?" etc. and so when they panic, what's the easiest way to deal with it? i would have thought to just polite suggest you're too busy and admit that you're sorry you can't get together. nope, there's something even easier. it's so obvious i never even thought to try it. here's the trick:

read the incoming scary email.
delete it.
pretend you never read it.

oh my god, that's genius isn't it? the hardest part is not having a conscience though, which is the part that screws me over ever time i've never done it.

y'know what's even more fun? cell phones. cell phones are email addresses. that didn't really make sense, did it? i'll say it again. cell phones are email addresses. they're email addresses that light up and make funny noises and immediately let you know there's somebody else in the world that actually wants to talk to your unimportant, dumbfuck ass. it's the same fuckin thing with email though, kids. your cell rings, and you look at the caller ID, and it says justin. you're not immediately disgusted, but you think "eh i can't really talk right now." but that's alright. you can call me later. y'know what the trick with calling me later is? here's the trick:

get my call.
decide you're too busy to answer it.
tell yourself you'll call me back later.
make decision later that it'd be more fun to make me call you again.
don't do anything further.
then wait for the next time i call, only to repeat when i do.

i don't make this shit up, guys. this is the most common thing that happens to me, and i'm fuckin sick of it. guys don't really do this much, but girls know they can get away with it. to girls, it's just fun when you're forced to call back later. i've known girls that just come right out and say, "y'know, it's okay if you have to call me twice in a row." yeah, for you it's okay. meanwhile i'm the one that feels like a fuckin moron and you feel pretty damn important.

we'll talk more about this some more tomorrow. stay tuned for further commentary on the effects this has on a person after prolonged exposure to it, and also a new experimental policy regarding how to pick your friends right from the start.

keep it right here for ranting,

Thursday, October 16, 2003

what's up you silly shits? the days of insanity are over for this week... couple coding assignments due, bigass test, etc... yeah, i prolly fucked most of it up and all, but eh, i'll still pull out the grades good enough, i ain't gonna stress on it. needless to say, i haven't really seen anything on the damn tivo since like saturday...

saturday, i actually broke out of my goddamn cage for a few hours and saw kill bill. i was a little questionable going into it and i'm not exactly a rabid tarantino follower (i mean i have all of 'em, but...) but i'll be damned if that wasn't some entertaining shit. it just had a real good vibe to it overall, just kinda proves in some backwards-ass way tarantino knows what the hell he's doing. thurman actually looked kinda hot in it, it was nice to see lucy liu in something with a little more substance, cool to see michael madsen in anything, and just plain nice to see something different at all. yeah, some of the action and gore was a little retarded, but i think it was sorta meant to be that way for some reason. the part where it went to sort of a minimalistic anime style was really badass, and i think it worked well. i'm glad miramax split it like they did, because i'd be talkin shit about the movie if they'd left it the length it was. plus the way it ended was terrific, made you ready to see volume 2 already.

i picked up the italian job and the matrix reloaded last night. the IJ hasn't even been put in the damn player yet, i'm too busy replaying all the damn action scenes from the matrix reloaded. i guess if i had to rank the top 3 scenes from that movie, i'd go 1) semi vs semi with the infamous bullet-time wraparound, 2) trinity out the window firing back towards the agent, and 3) maybe a toss-up between the rest of the highway shit and the burly brawl... the burly brawl was beautifully crafted, it was just almost a little too silly for the matrix trilogy, the highway stuff really is a marvel when you think about the stunt coordination and shit, plus morpheus doing his shit is a nice change compared to the other 2 heroes. in a related note, what the hell's with bad company throwing that animatrix sample in an already crappy track anyway?

alright, let's talk about some music... some of my picks on what's hot and what's not that i've recently acquired...

jedi mind tricks - visions of ghandi -- BURNABLE -- overall it's got good shit, plus i love the mike tyson and boondock saints samples in there, which gets me off on a quick tangent...

anybody remember when tyson did his "eat his children" speech a few years ago? i'm a big boxing fan, especially heavyweight title fights, and i remember seeing that live and just thinking how badass that was. here's a transcript if you're unfamiliar:

I was gonna rip his heart out
I'm the best ever
I'm the most brutal and vicious and most ruthless champion there's ever been
There's no one can stop me.
Lennox is the conqueror? no, I'm Alexander, he's no Alexander!
I'm the best ever, there's never been anybody as ruthless
I'm Sonny Lisson, I'm Jack Dempsey, there's no one like me
I'm from Nasau
There's no one that can match me
My style is impetuous, my defense is impregnable
And I'm just ferocious
I want your heart, I wanna eat his children
Praise be to Allah!

feel free to link here to download the mp3 of his speech. i dunno what it was about that man, but that was just awesome when he did that. i know boxing can get kinda goofy sometimes and all that, and he got so much criticism from the public for saying all that, but i totally love when any athlete just goes balls out and trashes somebody else. i mean just think if derek jeter, after some crazyass yankees win, threw jim gray to the ground, looked right into the camera and gave the same speech about the red sox or some shit. that'd be awesome, especially if it was on like network tv or something. i dunno, i just think that would bring like a whole new competitive edge to any sport. like baseball brawls, am i the only one that thinks that totally helps the game? yeah it's a little childish, but that's some hot shit when a pitcher buzzes a batter with a 98mph fastball and the batter just throws everything else out and charges the goddamn mound. or ya know in hockey where a fight gets out of hand and all of a sudden the goalies are going at it? that's just awesome man, c'mon... alright, back to the stupid fuckin music...

underworld sountrack -- UNDECIDED - can't tell on this one, plus i always feel weird burning music from a movie i didn't actually see yet...

coldplay - a rush of b-sides to the head -- TOSSED - eh, i dunno, i'm kinda all like, "hey coldplay, like, go away and shit"... their string quartet tribute album was great and all, but i'm really kinda tired of hearing aboot coldplay in general... classic case of mainstream taking a great band and throwing them right in the damn shitter...

queens of the stone age - R -- BURNABLE - yeah, good stuff from before when they finally made it... same kinda sound and everything...

dido - life for rent -- UNDECIDED - i usually like her stuff for a good cd to fall asleep to, only thing i really noticed so far was how similar it sounded to the old stuff...

the strokes - room on fire (advance) -- UNDECIDED - hardly listened to it, if it's as good as the last (which was great, just took some time to try it out) it's easily burnable.

the donnas - spend the night -- BURNABLE - something aboot chicks just rockin the hizzy out, c'mon, man... i get turned on just listening to their songs...

lewis black - rules of enragement -- BURNABLE - this came out of nowhere to me, didn't know he had this coming out... same old good shit, i heard a lot of it live in austin at the comedy central live tour, recommended for a profanity-laced good time.

kill bill soundtrack -- TOSSED - good selection overall, just don't know where the hell i'd play it, y'know?

alright, that's enough music for today... now how bout the fuckin cubbies? i still say the MLB should take a tip from the NBA and fix some goddamn games now and then. MLB's business would improve if they just had the cubs win the NLCS and maybe even world series, and to just let the stupid yankees just go away already. that's why people don't wanna keep watching every year, everybody's tired of seeing joe torre give his "overcoming adversity" speech and see steinbrenner pretend like he actually likes his players and all that.

til next time,

Thursday, October 09, 2003

damn, if i'm gonna call this "daily musings" i better post here, like, daily and shit, huh?

see posting more everyday would be easy as potatoes if it weren't for that sweet thorn in my ass officially labeled "CPSC 420: Artificial Intelligence" by texas a&m. goddamn the homeworks in there are vicious, man. i whipped out some pretty nice java code for about 1/3 of it, but that took a good 8-9 hours total. yeah, that's just 1/3 of it. sorta makes you go into that mode where you just watch people on your buddy list slip away as the night goes on until you realize you're the only asshole left online. note: i've noticed a huge difference in the number of people online at 2am vs 3am.

i've come to the sad realization that tivo has the ability to make your other high-tech toys jealous and feel left out. it's prolly cuz the little tivo character just seems so full of himself, all dancing there on your remote and whatnot. but seriously man, it's like i'll get maybe an hour to just sorta sit and do nothing, and i'll think "hey, maybe i'll pop in one of my 100 frickin dvd's and just have a good time going through my favorite scenes or listening to a kevin smith commentary or something" or "shit, i'll sit down and actually complete one of my 10 gamecube games" but no, instead the damn DVR sucks me in every time.

the more i think about it, the more i think a DVR is actually a brilliant invention. i guess before you started hearing all about tivo's and replaytv's i never really considered the concept all that seriously. sure, i had taped shows now and then if i knew i'd miss 'em or something, but tivo really takes that entire concept to a new level. it kinda puts the thought in your head that anything you've ever been interested in, you should just tivo it and watch it later. i get some of the most random shit on there too sometimes man, shows i never would have caught back before the tivo. for example, i've found i can't seem to get enough of those 9-ball tournaments they show like 8am on espn2. granted, i'm not much of a pool player, but i'll be damned if i don't wanna just go out and be ranked #1 after i watch that shit. i always kinda steered away from cartoon network in the past, and if it's light outside, i still do, but the nightly 'adult swim' shit isn't too bad. i never watched family guy in the past (c'mon man, it came on fox) but it's pretty good overall. evidently good enough for me to throw down $41 for seasons 1 and 2 on dvd. i've also found home movies lately, that's kinda funny in sort of a completely different way. if you've ever seen it, you might know what i'm talking about, but something about how fast and choppy the dialog is, i find it amusing. some of the other stuff i've had recommended to me and all, but so far i haven't gotten into the other shows, like aqua teen hunger force and whatnot. not to mention MST3K's every saturday morning on sci-fi. that's one of those things where it's like "why the hell would i ever get up at 8am on a saturday morning to watch that?" well now i don't have to.

not to mention all the TLC, history channel, and travel channel specials i've grabbed lately. typically i'd see those kinds of shows as kinda dorky and wouldn't really give a crap about 'em, but some of them are pretty damn entertaining in a more grown-up kinda way. modern marvels, resident life, etc -- pretty well put together. tivo knows i like a lot of stand-up/comedy type stuff, so i'm constantly gathering comic remix, premium blend, comedy central presents, and most importantly, reno 911. i was such a huge fan of the state on mtv back in the mid 90's, and reno 911 has a lot of the same members, so it's damn funny. definitely check it out if you're not familiar with it, wednesdays 9:30pm.

but yeah, if i really wanna quit feeling like i'm wasting $20's on dvd's i gotta do a better job about getting my money's worth out of 'em. i think besides tivo winning most of the time, it doesn't help that i can never motivate myself to watch a full movie alone and having a girlfriend that is almost guaranteed to fall asleep in any dark room (day or night) with a moving picture in it. as far as my sweet little indigo gamecube, she gets played in weird phases it seems. i seem to be the kinda guy that can get hooked on a game and play it nonstop for 3 weeks, but can also convince myself to do other things instead and not play anything for like a month. let's go through the list of dvd's & gamecube games that need further loving, feel free to comment to me if you want on a particular one:

-- FAMILY GUY: SEASONS 1 & 2 - need to watch all the damn eps
-- ER: SEASON 1 - ditto, although i did see them all in '94-95
-- RESERVOIR DOGS/PULP FICTION/TRUE ROMANCE - just plain need more airtime, too good not to, y'know?
-- BLACK HAWK DOWN - really just an assload of special features i need to hit up
-- SERIAL EXPERIMENTS: LAIN - still have to see a few episodes
-- SNEAKERS/O BROTHER WHERE ART THOU? - just bought, haven't even been put in yet
-- VACATION: 20TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION - need to listen to the entire commentary

-- PIKMIN - great fuckin game overall, i was going strong for only like 5 days on it in the summer, but i really like the game, just got kinda overshadowed by others
-- ENTER THE MATRIX - prime example of throwing away $50 cuz i was too quick to run out and buy something with falling green alphanumeric characters, really had bad reviews that i didn't bother to read until after i had bought it... overall prolly not as bad as what most people say, but yeah, overall a disappointment
-- METROID PRIME - for some reason this is by far the most neglected of my GC games, i've seriously only played it for like an hour, and i sucked horribly at it. prolly just takes some getting used to; amazing graphics and such, just didn't really feel that impressed by it initially.
-- STAR FOX ADVENTURES - what seemed like a great game at first seemed bout half as good after zelda came out... i still wanna go back and pick up from where i left off, which was like 20% or so i think
-- LEGEND OF ZELDA: WIND WAKER - i'm not sure how much impressed i could be from this game. i haven't finished it yet, but i'm really close, mostly just trying to do all the sidequests instead of beating ganon at the end so quick. in my opinion it's prolly the best GC game thus far, absolutely beautiful and clever in so many ways. i also got the bonus disc with it, but shit ocarina of time is a little further down on my priority list for now.
-- SSX TRICKY - ssx has kinda a goofy reason for being in my library -- it was cheap. for $10 at best buy, it was sorta hard not to buy it. turns out alayna and i love playing it against each other. she's not a huge video game type chick, but she almost always gets completely giddy while playing it. for that reason, i've barely even seriously played the game at all, we mostly just play each other or whatever on the easiest settings and have a great time.
-- PRO SKATER 4 - y'know, just standard tony hawk shit here. fuckin awesome for the most part, fun to play, typically something funny going on in it, exceedingly difficult at times, almost always something to do in it, great concept.
-- F-ZERO GX - really badass graphics and gameplay, just as much fun as we had in '92 when i was 10 years old on SNES. only reason i haven't played it that much is i'm just plain too swamped with 16 hours, that's all.

admittedly, the only GC game i've fully completed (okay, except one damn blue coin) is super mario sunshine. some people hated that game or didn't think it "broke enough ground" but damn dude i'll put that right behind wind waker as a truly awesome experience playing through that entire game. i spread it out over several months and 3 cities - college station, westcliffe and garland, and i'll be damned if i didn't have a great time doing it.

well i guess this has gotten pretty long and all, i'll wrap things up. next few days are pretty academically busy for me, but i'll prolly post more here shortly. maybe give ya some music picks or the like, hoang-style, word?


Sunday, October 05, 2003

today's inane ranting and raving is for those who have lived with a roommate (y'know, like in college and shit). i've been living in my apartment since the end of august and at this point it's sorta funny seeing how things seem to play out between me and my roommate. most of the apartment complexes will do their best around here to pair up two potluck people the best they can based on how they sorta live, like how neat they are, how late they stay up, etc. so far it almost seems like this guy made up all that shit on his application to the apartment. it's not really that he's not somewhat neat or a nice guy at all, it's that i simply don't understand the decisions he makes. i guess they don't really have an IQ field on the application, but shit at this point i sorta wish they had.

lately it's been just a goofy string of behavior. things like overly odd sleeping patterns (now admittedly, anyone that really knows me that well knows i must have the oddest), such as not having class till like 3pm but still going to bed before midnight, then waking up at like 9am and not having a damn thing to do for several hours before his class. i know i'm in the vast minority here, but here's what i'd do -- not go to bed till like a good 4 or 5am, then wake up at maybe noon or 1am, get me a healthy lunch, then be ready with plenty of time to go until your class. i'm a 4th year engineering student here at a&m, so forgive me for coming across as a little pompous, but i know what makes a good or bad schedule, and i'm sick of hearing him bitch about his schedule. 3 days (no, not a misprint) of the week that bastard doesn't have to be in class till 3pm and he's back each time no later than 6pm. tuesdays if i remember right he's done by like noon and it's the thursday night lab from 6:30 till 9-something that he feels gives him the fuel to bitch about his tough academic life. i'm sorry, but that's what separates a seasoned college student from a relative newbie. without coming across as superior, he needs to realize his position and not mention it at all. he's got 14 hours, pretty standard and everything, a solid schedule where he can sleep in real late if he so chooses and yet he chooses to focus on the 1 night of the week he has to stay on campus late.

i know it sounds like i'm harping on a relatively minor thing, but oddly that sort of scenario really kind of shapes our entire relationship as roommates. i get the vibe there's a sense of disdain from both of us in the apt, and neither of us has the interest in actually admitting it. this sort of constant mood combined with a general lack of anything real in common just makes it awkward every time we're in the apt together and not occupied with our own things. it's almost completely palpable in the living room and kitchen -- we just don't mesh socially. y'know those kinds of people that almost have to go out of their way to say something just to break the silence? he's one of those people and i'm obviously not. so that can makes for some goofy circumstances at times. the other day, i'm reheating some leftover pizza, he sees me doing so, looks me in the eye, laughs and says "pizza!" and you can sort of imagine my complete lack of knowing what the hell to say to that. sometimes we'll be in the middle of a 5 minute conversation and i'll realize the only thing i've said for the last 4 minutes is "yeah" or nodded my head. i'm sorry, but that's sort of an indicator that we just don't click.

i guess you kinda have to tell yourself, it doesn't really matter, you're just sharing an apartment, you're not expected to become best friends. heh, good. i know i have some high standards sometimes, but i'd never become friends with a guy like this if he were just in a class or whatever purely based on the difference in apparent intelligence. i know we're relatively young (i'm 21 and he's 20 i think) but by this point in life you simply have to know more about how to live on your own than he does. the things he puts in the dishwasher... i don't even know what logic is working there. there are more dishes and silverware in the sink than there are pots and pans, because he keeps the dishes in the sink and puts the cookware in the dishwasher. okay, well that's weird enough. but then he'll run the dishwasher when it's only about 1/4 full. it's a good thing we don't have to pay for water, y'know? more and more examples like that pile up each week.

okay, so these are mostly just idiot things that don't really suggest anything about his mood or relative sanity. but then last night alayna and i were here fuckin around like any usual weekend night, and we realize he had been in his room the whole time we were home. we had gotten here a little after 11pm, the door was locked and his door was closed with no sign of lights on inside. once again, my 4th year here, never seen anything like that. so you can't blame me for wondering over and over what the hizzy influences somebody to go to bed on a saturday night in college station at 11pm. the only way we even found this out was when he went to the bathroom at about 12:30 when alayna had been making noise in the kitchen emptying the vacuum cleaner. i figure he's gotta be either bored or depressed or some kind of combination of the two. at this point in college with 16 hours of my own in a highly technical semester, i don't have time to cheer somebody up or to take somebody i don't know very well out to bust up with a couple beers or introduce to a hot girl. it wouldn't shock me if he's got a little underlying disdain for me since i never seem to be as bored or lonely as him and i'm the one with the pretty girl coming over 3 times a week, making mudslides in the kitchen and such without a care in the world. maybe when i was a sophomore i would have cared, but at this point? nah man, fuck him. most people i've been close to have admitted they think i can be a little uppity at times and this might be a prime example of that, but nothing says i have to put up with that kinda shit from anybody.

i guess that kind of sums up the rant, i guess maybe my point is roommates can be tough to live with, but i'll be damned if they make any kind of dent into how happy i'm gonna be overall. in a social environment sometimes we're forced to small talk and such to kill some awkwardness and pretend we all get along, but i'll be damned if i'm gonna do it in my own home.

i'll tell ya more later,

Friday, October 03, 2003

I've decided if I find enough time I'll post on a blog every day or so. The plan is to combine both the strengths of Lauren and Hoang's blogs -- the sincerity and relentless complaints and grievances of Lauren's and the "Here's what's cool and what's not -- because I know and you don't" attitude of Hoang's. I'll collect some thoughts and update you later.

Note: all blogs from this point on will not include proper punctuation and capitalization. Rants and raves will not be edited for any content. Typically, the best mindset to have in reading my blog will be to expect to be offended.
