Thursday, November 27, 2003


not a helluva lot more to report. obviously home for the thanksgiving break. i was anxious to get home for family time and good food, and i've gotten those. crappy dallas/miami game today, was sort of a waste of a good 3 hours. most bided my time since i left college station on tuesday playing mario kart with lauren and catching up on some coupling and family guy episodes. went to the fry's in irving to try to find some decent computer parts (i'm building a new box) but nothing jumped up at me for a great price. i felt kinda stupid coming out of there with nothing (had to get through 35 and 635 traffic to get there) so i picked up a few dvd's to finish off my lain: serial experiments set. now the trick is to make sure i actually watch them, heheh.

kinda crazy next couple days. friday morning i drive down to college station to go to the a&m/UT game at 2:30, which basically no one in aggieland thinks is gonna be a close game at all. only reason we're making it such an issue of going is that it's the last game of our collegiate life (those of us that stop at undergrad) and we've never been to one against UT (the hated rivals, though hardly rivals in "reality" at this point). only a few hours after the game is over i gotta drive back to garland for a 10am funeral for my aunt saturday morning. haven't decided yet if i'm coming back to CS on saturday or waiting till sunday. either way that's 9 hours / 600 miles in the car in the next few days. 45 traffic the sunday coming back from thanksgiving is always a bitch anyway.

from there it's just one more normal week of school, then a couple days of redefined days and a few reading days, then exams. just 3-4 days after exams are done the family takes off for colorado.

i typically get a bit weird around exams (most people sorta do) mostly cuz just i tend to really alter my sleeping schedule based on what i feel are my natural biorhythms. obviously they don't match anybody else's so sometimes it can be a bit tougher to get ahold of me around that time. it'll prolly be about the same this semester cuz it's my last fall semester and i've got exams to worry about more than pleasing everybody and sleeping completely normal hours.

i don't really have a ton to get into tonight, i'll get back to ya in a few days.


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