Saturday, September 10, 2005

alright, i guess i haven't been *too* busy to post lately, just haven't had much interesting going on.

work finally picked up a bit (at least for a couple weeks) which is good. making little quirky blogposts at work can be fun and all, but the truth is i'd rather just be too damn busy to even think about any kind of web surfing.

no giant news lately, i've been lazy. paper mario's been collecting dust for 10 days. i usually game in bursts, so it makes sense that after playing for a few days straight i take a week off. so far we're hooked on prison break, i'd highly recommend it. i got the first reunion episode, cuz the idea that each episode encompasses an entire year sounded rather clever in that 24-gimmicky kinda way. i burned through all 6 episodes of BBC2's extras, which was terrific. not as good as the office, but the same type of humor, so go get your british english to american english dictionary and have a giggle.

i've actually been watching an alarming amount of live tv lately. i've been hooked on the US Open this year, and it's been surprisingly fun to watch. our plan was to watch the first NFL game of the season last night, but shit i lost interest fast. as much as i love football, it's gotten a little harder to watch over the years with all the tv timeouts. monday night games are even worse, and the games almost always last a good 4 hours, which means most of their audience is actually long gone by the 3rd quarter. tivo'ing NFL highlight shows (like NFL primetime on ESPN) seems like the way to go.


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