Wednesday, January 25, 2006

random facts --

alias season 2 just kicks ass. season 1 did too. i can't believe i didn't watch this show when it first started. definitely my kinda stuff.

i'm reading chuck palahniuk's diary but so far i can't get into it. i've noticed the last several books i've gotten 30 pages into i've seemed to give up on. maybe part of the problem is once i go back to the bedroom after calling it quits i usually just pass out quickly in bed. kinda the same reason i'm hardly keeping up with PTI anymore, just don't really watch the tivo quite as much i guess. it's kinda amazing how much tv we download lately, we've become 100% reliant on it.

i may be a good 6 months behind (hell, i'm usually a lot more behind than that) but gran turismo 4 is pretty fun. i'm still amazed (ever since GT1) at how long it takes to get things done in that game, but still fun ever since '97. i've been trying to squeeze in some paper mario and partners in time when i can remember. haven't played mario kart DS online in several weeks now, kinda fear everybody will kick my ass now, heh.

sometimes facebook just reminds me how little i bothered to really meet or get to know that many people in college. somehow i'm more social after college than during... i didn't even know that was possible.



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