Wednesday, September 06, 2006

I am entirely pro-new Facebook.

yes, as my title suggests, i am entirely for the new facebook. i'm not gonna explain facebook if you're not familiar, if you don't know what it is, this post doesn't really concern you. if you're a facebook user, you'll know what i mean when i mention the new facebook.

i seem to be in the minority by supporting the new format. i think it makes the site/social network that much more useful. people complain that too many incriminating items are listed right on everyone's home page. i've got news for ya -- everyone voluntarily adds information to the facebook community. whether you joined a group proclaiming your political affiliations, made friends with someone, commented on someone's photo, or added a favorite movie to your profile, YOU entered the information into the system. why are you suddenly so embarrassed that facebook pushed this info into all your friends' laps, instead of having them come find it on your page? isn't this more effective than having people come find information you found important enough to list on a social network?

facebook isn't out to embarrass anyone. if you post embarrassing information on a social networking site, and suddenly everyone knows about it, who exactly is to blame here? if anything, maybe this new system will help prevent people (typically the younger Gen-Y demographic) from posting too much incriminating information from now on. people have certainly gotten lax about what they'll post online, but as soon as they realize other people can *god forbid* see it, they're offended.

what's with the supposedly more mature facebook crowd now claiming that they're a stone's throw away from myspace now? explain to me how a pane in my home page telling me so-and-so made friends with what's-her-face and the guy down the street joined a certain group is the same as the most unprofessional networking site on the planet? myspace pages are famous for being uncontrolled over-abundant distractions rather than anything useful or interesting. how is facebook even close to that?

i just don't understand why all of a sudden everyone who's against these facebook improvements are so goddamn high and mighty about their privacy? what the fuck rights do you supposedly have on a website that you voluntarily add information to? do you own stock in the company? do you contribute to the software development of the site? no, you're a user who agreed to some level of licensed agreement when you joined the site. if you're so embarrassed that everyone sees your every move on a website, uh, how bout you just don't participate in the website at all, and let those of us that enjoy the feature do so without your complaints?

i'm convinced this is yet another bullshit argument in a long line of people my age trying so badly to convince themselves that they don't live a great deal of their social lives online. if you choose to live a portion of your life online, be prepared for the consequences.

1 comment:

Unknown said...