Tuesday, January 06, 2004

man, winter vacation is just some sweet waste of in-between time.

being almost 22 now, i guess i've learned that i'm unable to function properly when i don't have anything proper to wake up for the next morning, i.e. school or work. like last night, i just wasn't tired so i stayed up long enough so that i ended up just not bothering to sleep at all (after i had slept till almost 4pm the previous day). so i took a 4-hour nap this afternoon and now i don't know what to do with myself. with all the goofy sleeping i'd rather be doing it back in college station without the rest of the family living normally, heheh. only scary thing is when i go back there it's gonna get SCARY worse cuz nobody else will be around so i'll have no reason to really go to bed at any point.

it's a really stupid thing to care about, but i'm pretty much convinced i am so content-overloaded. i kid you not man, i still have albums on my hard drive from 2000 yet to decide whether to burn. now that 2004's rolled around it's pretty much time stuff like that is completely phased out -- it's either thrown on a cd or trashed. i'm the worst when it comes to trying to collect something. i'll find a few episodes of some show or whatever and all of a sudden i'm on a mission to have every one of them. i'm not really sure why i do that, it's almost like i wanna just say i have a collection of something rather than actually use it. take my friends and seinfeld episode collections, for example. i'm pretty proud of having 2 of my favorite shows collected, but rarely do i ever actually watch any of what i've got. sorta makes me wonder why i bother to buy tv series on dvd.

i dunno, i'm kinda just eager to get back just to be in college station without academics to do for a while. 99% of the time i'm having a pretty good time when i'm there so it sorta makes me wonder how it'd be without having to be busting my ass all the time. all i'm gonna do until school starts is play music and movies at a ridiculous volume and sleep like 10-12 hours without an alarm clock, heheh.

this is just the time of the year where if you're 22 or younger you're free to be a lazy bitch.

i thought this was gonna be a deep and thought-provoking post. turns out i just sat and bitched about nothing.

i dunno,

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