Monday, November 21, 2005

well shit, this is work the week of thanksgiving, huh? last year i took the entire thanksgiving week off so i didn't really get to see what it was like up here. i had to blow some sick days earlier this month so i didn't really have a chance at taking any days off now. in a way, it's actually kinda nice if you don't let yourself slip into a completely depressed state of boredom. it's kind of all nice and quiet and there seems to be this unspoken sense of nobody really working incredibly hard. i kinda strolled in late today assuming nobody would miss me, and i was right.

i think it's funny that thanksgiving has kind of become the signal that the end of the year is nigh. it's sorta what fuels everybody into thinking life ain't that bad, and the next few weeks of december usually fly by pretty easily. in college you kinda have to associate it with exams and end-of-semester type stuff but when you're in the working world you just associate it with less people being all that serious up at work.
