Wednesday, August 31, 2005

the following was posted on slashdot in regards to rebuilding new orleans post-katrina:

A) Don't live by a freaking ocean. Oceans have hurricanes.

B) Don't live in a city that is 8 feet below sea level. Flooding WILL occur.

Problem solved.

as cold as it is, i kinda hafta agree.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kind of funny how you rarely see $500k+ homes getting destroyed by floods. I understand saying you’re a dumb ass if you build a mansion on Galveston island or some resort area, but saying people shouldn’t live in port communities where the majority of the state’s jobs are located is a little bit too harsh. I guarantee that the people who live 10 feet below sea level can’t afford to live in the area’s of New Orleans that were not greatly hurt by this hurricane. If those people don’t live there, who do you expect to work our ports and get our oil off the rigs?