Tuesday, August 23, 2005

here's what i'm looking forward to in the coming tv season, just for grins...

prison break (premiere) - aug. 29
looks kinda like 24, which is good.

the simpsons (season 17) - sept. 11
yeah, it's starting to get *really* played out, but can you blame them? still good for a late-night tivo.

family guy (season 4) - sept. 11
first half of the season was a bit hot and cold, but still some hilarious episodes.

survivor (location: guatemala) - sept. 15
couldn't be much more played out, but tough to avoid watching with alayna being a rampant follower.

arrested development (season 3) - sept. 19
season 1 was better, but season 2 was still some of the best shit on tv.

surface (premiere) - sept. 19
i dunno, could be cool. sorta sci-fi.

my name is earl (premiere) - sept. 20
yeah, it has jason lee in it. that's enough to at least try it out.

the office (season 2) - sept. 20
my personal second-most anticipated show. just got the season 1 dvd, absolutely terrific.

lost (season 2) - sept. 21
my most anticipated returning show. fantastic.

invasion (premiere) - sept. 21
could be cool, could suck. i'll know within 2 weeks.

ER (season 12) - sept. 22
last season was better than the previous, which is encouraging. i think us and 11 other people still follow it.

numb3rs (season 2) - sept. 23
still getting through season 1, but really enjoy it.

desperate housewives (season 2) - sept. 25
one of the biggest surprises of last year. only hope the pace picks up a bit.

grey's anatomy (season 2) - sept. 25
another great surprise of last year. it'll be nice to have more than like 9 episodes.

amazing race (season 8) - sept. 27
family edition instead of couples, but still my top reality series.

the night stalker (premiere) - sept. 29
sounds like a cool concept.

NCAA football and NFL seasons starting up soon as well. look forward to any games in HD. can't wait for the NHL season to start on october 5th. i'll focus on all that stuff in a future post...


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